Cotswold Woollen Weavers' sheep's head logo
Cotswold Woollen Weavers in Filkins Cotswold Woollen Weavers' famous 'Sheep's Head' logo Throws The range of Shetland Chevron throws from Cotswold Woollen Weavers

If you cannot visit us in Filkins,

please visit our


Cotswold Woollen Weavers' On-line Shop for a selection of woollen trhows Always a good selection of rugs and throws in natural, undyed English fleece wool at Cotswold |Woollen Weavers in Filkins

A comprehensive range of cloth and throws woven from naturally coloured British fleece wool. These cloths contain no dyestuff, and are finished using natural soap (rather than synthetic detergent.)

So there is no chemical residue in the cloth, which means 100% natural British woollen cloth with minimal environmental impact.

There is a wide range of textures, weights, patterns and colourways.

Cotswold Woollen Weavers still beautiful even in the depths of a cold winter Your winter woollen warmth is ready now One of our woolly friends... You will find him and others in our Explorium at Cotswold Woollen Weavers in Filkins

Even on the coldest, mistiest December dawn, Cotswold Woollen Weavers is still enticing. The pile of limestone blocks is waiting for our stone carvers to work their magic, and to the right is the hut once used as his home during the lambing season by the shepherd who worked for the family of the famous ‘Mitford Sisters’.

(Ps: I am typing this in my office in the upper floor, through that big arched window.)

Shetland Chevron woollen throws…

We’ve made 200 across a range of shades. £69